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- Habelhah H, F. Okada, K. Nakai, S. Choi, J. Hamada, M. Kobayashi, M. Hosokawa. (1998). Polysaccharide K induces Mn Superoxide Dismutase (Mn-SOD) in tumor tissues and inhibits malignant progression of QR-32 tumor cells: possible roles of interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α and transforming growth factor-β in Mn-SOD induction by polysaccharide K. Cancer Immunol Immunother, 46: 338-344.
- Habelhah H. (1998). Induction of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase by an Immunopotentiator as Mechanisms for Inhibition of Malignant Progression of Murine Tumor Cells. Hokkaido J. Med Sci (Japanese), 73 (5): 519-529.
- Habelhah H, F. Okada, M. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, S. Choi, J. Hamada, M. Kaya, K. Yoshida, K. Fujinaga, and M. Hosokawa (1999). Increased E1AF expression in mouse fibrosarcoma promotes metastasis through induction of MT1-MMP expression. Oncogene, 18(9):1771-6.
- Choi S, Okada F, Kobayashi M, Habelhah H, Nakae D, Konishi Y, Totsuka Y, Hosokawa M. (1999) Single treatment with cisplatin or UFT, but not their combination treatment enhances the metastatic capacity of mouse fibrosarcoma cells. Anticancer Drugs, 10(2):235-43.
- Yin Z, Ivanov VN, Habelhah H, Tew K, Ronai Z. (2000) Glutathione S-transferase p elicits protection against H2O2-induced cell death coordinated regulation of stress kinases. Cancer Res., 60(15):4053-7.
- Okada F, Kawaguchi T, Habelhah H, Kobayashi T, Tazawa H, Takeichi N, Kitagawa T and Hosokawa M. (2000) Conversion of human colonic adenoma cells to adenocarcinoma cells through inflammation in nude mice. Lab Invest, 80(11):1617-28.
- Choi S, Kobayashi M, Wang J, Habelhah H, Okada F, Hamada J, Moriuchi T, Totsuka Y, Hosokawa M. (2000) Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM) and annexin II are involved in the metastatic progression of tumor cells after chemotherapy with Adriamycin. Clin Exp Metastasis, 18 (1):45-50.
- Habelhah H, Shah K, Huang L, Ostareck lederer A, Burlingame AL, Shokat KM, Hentze MW and Ronai Z. (2001) ERK phosphorylation drive cytoplasmic accumulation of hnRNP-K and subsequent inhibition of mRNA translation.Nature Cell Biology, 3(3):325-30.
- Habelhah H, Shah K, Huang L, Burlingame AL, Shokat KM and Ronai Z. (2001) Identifying JNK substrates via the use of ATP pocket mutant and a corresponding form of modified ATP. J Biol Chem., 276(21):18090-5.
- Minamoto T, Buschmann T, Habelhah H, Matusevich E, Tahara H, Boerresen-Dale AL, Harris C, Sidransky D, Ronai Z.(2001) Distinct pattern of p53 phosphorylation in human tumors. Oncogene, 20(26):3341-7.
- Habelhah H, Frew IJ, Laine A, Janes PW, Relaix F, Sassoon D, Bowtell DD, Ronai Z. (2002) Stress-induced decrease in TRAF2 stability is mediated by Siah2. EMBO J., 21(21):5756-65.
- Habelhah H, Takahashi S, Cho SG, Kadoya T, Watanabe T, and Ronai Z. (2004) Ubiquitination and translocation of TRAF2 are required for activation of JNK but not of p38 or NF-κB. EMBO J., 23(2):322-332.
- Nakayama K, Frew IJ, Hagensen M, Skals M, Habelhah H, Bhoumik A, Kadoya T, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P. Frapell PB, Bowtell DD and Ronai Z (2004) Siah2 regulates stability of the prolyl-hydroxylases, controls HIF1α abundance and modulates physiological response to hypoxia. Cell, 117:941-952.
- Habelhah H, Laine A, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Gershwin M, Bowtell D, Ronai Z (2004) Regulation of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase stability by the RING finger ubiquitin ligase Siah. J Biol Chem. 279(51): 53782-8.
- López-Bergami P, Habelhah H, Bhoumik A, Zhang W, Wang L, Ronai Z (2005) RACK1 mediates activation of Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) by protein kinase C. Mol. Cell, 19(3):309-20.
- Blackwell K, Zhang L, Thomas G, Sun S, Nakano H, Habelhah H (2009) TRAF2 phosphorylation modulates TNFα-induced gene expression and cell resistance to apoptosis. Mol. Cell Biol., 29:303-14.
- Thomas G, Zhang L, Blackwell K, Habelhah H (2009) Phosphorylation of TRAF2 within its RING domain inhibits stress-induced cell death by promoting IKK and suppressing JNK activation. Cancer Res., 15:3665-72.
- Zhang L, Blackwell K, Thomas G, Sun S, Yeh W, Habelhah H (2009) TRAF2 suppresses basal IKK activity in resting cells and TNFα can activate IKK in TRAF2 and TRAF5 double knockout cells. J Mol Biol., 389:495-510.
- Zhang L, Blackwell K, Shi Z, Habelhah H (2010) The RING domain of TRAF2 plays an essential role in the inhibition of TNFα-induced cell death but not in the activation of NF-κB. J Mol Biol., 396:528-539.
- Zhang L, Blackwell K, Altaeva A, Shi Z, Habelhah H (2011) TRAF2 phosphorylation promotes NF-κB-dependent gene expression and inhibits oxidative stress-induced cell death. Mol Biol Cell., 22:128-40.
- Shen R, Zhou A, Kim E, Lim E, Habelhah H, Hahn W (2012) IκB Kinase ε Phosphorylates TRAF2 To Promote Mammary Epithelial Cell Transformation. Mol. Cell Biol., 32:4756-68.
- Blackwell K, Zhang L, Workman L, Ting A, Iwai K, Habelhah H (2013) Two coordinated mechanism underlie TNFα-induced immediate and delayed IKK activation. Mol Cell Biol., 33:1901-15 (selected for Spotlight as a hot article).
Book chapter
- Habelhah H and Ronai Z. (2001) Oxidative stress signaling: in 'Protein adaptation and signal transduction'Edited by K.B. Storey and J.M. Storey. Elsevier Sciense B.V. p253-262.
Review Article
- Hasem Habelhah (2010) Emerging complexity of protein ubiquitination in the NF-κB pathway. Genes Cancer, 1:735-747. NIHMSID: NIHMS250225.
- Lauren M. Workman and Hasem Habelhah (2013) TNFR1 Signaling Kinetics: Spatiotemporal Control of Three Phases of IKK activation by Posttranslational Modification. Cellular Signalling, 25:1654-64.